Natural Gas Pipeline & Distribution
“Natural Gas Industry is now booming in our area!”
Here at WGS Equipment and Controls, we work hard at every level to provide professional engineering solutions and equipment to be used in the production and distribution of Natural Gas.
With the constant rising cost of oil for the production of gasoline and other petrol-chemicals/products, the demand for an alternative fuel has also risen. Natural gas is an extremely important energy source at this current time. Natural Gas can be used to provide heating and electricity as well as being used as fuel for vehicles and as chemical feedstock in the manufacturing process of plastics and other useful organic chemicals. Natural Gas Production and Gathering/Midstream/Pipeline/Local Distribution are now at its highest level of activity in history.
WGS can provide expert solutions for Custody Transfer Flow and even Energy Measurement applications. Other applications utilizing different types of Flow Meters such as Orifice, Ultrasonic, Turbine, and Complete Meter Tubes provided separately or as complete measurement skids are all unique technologies that WGS specializes in. We also specialize in Quality Analysis where devices such as BTU Analyzers(Gas Chromatographs) and Moisture/ H2S/Carbon Dioxide/Oxygen Analyzers may be needed. For Quality Analysis we can provide our customers with Sample Conditioning Systems either provided separately or as a complete Analyzer Enclosure and Shelter.
Other professional services and equipment that WGS specializes in and will offer to the Natural Gas Production and Distribution Industry include, but are not limited to:

- Flow computers and Remote Terminal Units (RTUs)
- Volume Correctors, Pressure Recorders, SCADA Software, and Remote Communications. Moisture Filters, Sample Probes, Natural Gas Filters, Filter-Dryers, and Sample Conditioning System Components.
- Natural Gas Odorizer Systems.
- Combustible Gas Detection and Flame Detection for personnel and asset protection.
- Flame and Detonation Arrestors, Tank Vents, and Pressure Relief Vents.
- Pressure, DP, and Temperature- Transmitters, Transducers, Switches, Wireless Instrumentation, and Thermowells.
- Choke Valves, Safety Relief Valves, Control Valves, Gauge Plugs, and Probes.
Other professional services and equipment that WGS specializes in and will offer to the Natural Gas Production and Distribution Industry include, but are not limited to:

Custody Transfer Metering

Custody Transfer Metering
WGS represents the finest equipment for custody transfer metering on the market: ultrasonic, orifice, and rotary meters, as well as flow computers, volume correctors, RTU’s and SCADA packages. WGS provides complete flow measurement packages in accordance with the industry standards for ultrasonic (AGA-9), orifice (AGA-3) and rotary (AGA-7) meters. We provide complete calibrated meter runs, flow conditioners, skids, and meter shelters.

Safety Detection & Interlock Systems

Safety Detection & Interlock Systems
Complete safety monitoring systems (combustible LEL gas detectors, O2 deficiency detectors, flame detectors, H2S sensors), interlock systems.

Compressor Stations

Compressor Stations
We provide regulators, back pressure and relief valves, gauges, switches, recorders.

Gas Analysis & System Integration

Gas Analysis & System Integration
We have a long history of providing analyzers, as well as integrated analyzer systems and shelters utilizing: Gas Chromatographs (C6+, C9+, Energy and HDP calculation). We also handle high performance analyzers for: H2S, O2, and moisture (H2O). WGS provides complete sample extraction and conditioning components and systems, including insulated and heat traced tubing bundles.

Pressure, Temperature, and Flow Monitoring

Pressure, Temperature, and Flow Monitoring
We provide check metering (thermal mass, orifice, venturi meters, flow tubes), pressure and temp switches, sensors, indicators, recorders.